's around here somewhere...

I'm not going to mince words. Things have started to fall apart on the training front. 2 weeks ago, I injured my poplitus muscle during windrainer (my own fault; rookie seat adjustment lead to an overextension of my pedal stroke) which had me out of action for run and bike for close on 10 days. Officially. Unofficially, I have not done a thing except one swim and one strength session in 10 days and made up for the lack of training with an enormous amount of eating and working.

Diet is gone. Discipline went with it. It seems that when my training routine is disrupted my body goes into some sort of metabolic meltdown and I crave food like a monster, much more than when I'm training. My motivation to do any sort of physcial activity is also MIA. I should get to the pool. I should run. I should ride. My injury is repaired, it's recovery week, I can legitimately do these things. But now that I'm out of routine it is this mind/will battle everyday which is nuts because I love this stuff...but losing that routine is a killer.

Overlaid with that is work. Nightmare hours, days of meetings, few spare lunchtimes means my normal gig of strength training at lunch is also gone. Also gone is the 6pm sessions with the squad, any chance of a life and my will to do anything after 8.30pm which is when I have been getting home. There is no end in sight but this can't continue, I need to find a way to make this all managable so I don't have to neglect training and my goals.

It's frustrating me because I feel like the good work and preparation I've put in over the winter is about to be's almost as if I can see the outcome laid out ahead. I am determined to put in a solid 10 week block before Noosa and go into that race knowing I committed to the training and I put myself in the best condition I could be in. That's not going to happen until I sort this schedule out, stop shoving chocolate down my throat and get my ass out of bed and onto the bike/into the pool/out onto the track again.

It all starts next week :)

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